Saturday, September 17, 2011

036; back to: back concerts/school

September 8
Two Thursday nights ago I went to a STP concert and I must say Scott Weiland is incredible! After watching him perform I found a new form of respect for him. I can't help but admire him. After his battle with drugs and despite his age (okay he's only in his early 40's) his vocals whether amplified by a megaphone or straight to the mic greatly impressed me. But enough about Scott, the band's performance was pretty awesome too. They played all my old favourites including "Creep" and "Down", and new stuff like "Between the Lines".
And something interesting I noticed, I was probably the youngest and one of the few Asians (if any) in the stadium of thousands.

September 9
I was pretty excited to hear the university I attend got Montreal's Sam Roberts Band for frosh this year. Land of Talk, which is another Canadian band, opened for them with a 35 minute set. It was pretty spacious on the field during Land of Talk's performance. Everyone sat on the lawn with the sun beaming brightly on the back of their college frosh shirts. Although my attention was elsewhere, they seemed like a decent band. Before Sam Roberts came on, a heard of freshman entered the field after the parade and filled in the spots with vivacious students, spirit, and colours.  Not too long after, Sam Roberts took the stage.
They played my favourites and the set was well timed. The encore was probably my favourite part. They did a cover of Noel Gallagher's High Flying Birds "If I Had A Gun." It was one the best covers I've heard live. I really hope there's a studio version soon cause I can't seem to find it anywhere. They ended their set with "Don't Walk Away Eileen" and it was then I thought, I'd really like to see them live again. And on top of all that, the sound was so clear and perfect. I don't know if it was because it was an outdoors concert, or if they had a really good sound check session, or if it was just the band. It was a fantastic show.

035; [13/50 QTWFYM] breaking the law to save....aziz ansari?

So I stumbled upon a website with a whole bunch of questions, 50 to be exact, that one can ask them self. I love talking about life and self, although it can be depressing sometimes Anyway, I scanned through the questions and I thought it would be kind of fun to answer them in this blog. So hope you enjoy my answers, and please feel free to leave YOUR answer in the comments. 

50 Questions That Will Free Your Mind 
13. Would you break the law to save a loved one?
Depends on who exactly I'm saving of course. I have no problem loving people but when it comes down to the wire, I'd say love for my family would outweigh most(?) consequences.
It also depends on the crime. If I were to let's say, rob a bank that's like me asking for a deathwish as I'm not particularly scary or clever. I think I would be able to buy a drink for a minor though.
And of course the consequences. Anything that will give me a criminal record virtually eliminates my chances of becoming a teacher. So it all better be worth it.

Side note: This questions reminded my of the movie 30 Minutes or Less, which was pretty funny/enjoyable. Aziz Ansari is a hell of a funny guy.


Friday, September 9, 2011

034; [12/50 QTWFYM] newborn

12. If you could offer a newborn child only one piece of advice, what would it be?

 Dear Newborn,
 You don't have much at this stage of life so I'd advise you to open up all your senses - not just the 5 you'll learn in school but all 9 (pain, balance, proprioception, thermoception). You're born with these and even if you're not you'll really just need a handful of them to experience the world - past,present,and future - around you.


033; [11/50 QTWFYM] lawyered

So I stumbled upon a website with a whole bunch of questions, 50 to be exact, that one can ask them self. I love talking about life and self, although it can be depressing sometimes. Anyway, I scanned through the questions and I thought it would be kind of fun to answer them in this blog. So hope you enjoy my answers, and please feel free to leave YOUR answer in the comments. 

50 Questions That Will Free Your Mind
11. You’re having lunch with three people you respect and admire.  They all start criticizing a close friend of yours, not knowing she is your friend.  The criticism is distasteful and unjustified.  What do you do?
First of all, I wonder who I'm having lunch with. 
Second of all, I'd listen to what they have to say. I mean, if I want them to listen to me, I'll have to listen to them no matter right?
Thirdly, after listening to their criticisms I should be able to explain why my friend is like that/did/does that or whatever. I'd try to put a positive light on their distasteful criticism. Seeing that it's a close friend, I'd probably have many ways to justify what I said. LAWYERED.
And an optional fourthly, I'd highlight the good traits of my friend and then tell them this person they are criticizing is my friend and then make it all awwwkward. 

Sunday, September 4, 2011

032; [10/50 QTWFYM] i am my hair (well not really...)

So I stumbled upon a website with a whole bunch of questions, 50 to be exact, that one can ask them self. I love talking about life and self, although it can be depressing sometimes. Anyway, I scanned through the questions and I thought it would be kind of fun to answer them in this blog. So hope you enjoy my answers, and please feel free to leave YOUR answer in the comments. 

50 Questions That Will Free Your Mind
10. Are you more worried about doing things right, or doing the right things?
When I initially read the question, doing the things right and doing the right things seemed somewhat synonymous. For me, doing things right seems more lawful, communal, and other, while doing the right things seems moral and personal. When we are too focused on doing things right, we're not really in touch with ourselves are we? I think it's more about making others happy rather then yourself. I'm definitely more of a moral person but that's not to say that I'm not worried about doing things right. One encompasses another, doing right things is a part of doing things right. When I'm doing the right things, it's doing the things that I believe are right. I'll follow the laws when I think necessary and do things that make others happy if I want to. All in all, I'd say I'm more of a do the right things type of person.

On a side note, imagine what kind of world would we'd live in if our hair symbolized who we are?