
At the beginning of 2011, I had the opportunity to visit the exotic land of India
This page is basically a day to day journal of what I did there. Reoccurring in the posts will be: sample prices, sample food, animal count (different types of wild animal animals I’ve seen), mosquito bite count (how many times I got bit by mosquitos), my to do list, and of course some mini stories of corruption.
Why did I post it weeks after? Well amigos, the internet connection available in India kinda sucked. Also, the pictures taken aren't at all fantastic seeing as I was having some troubles with the camera. Also, it's kinda hard to take pictures in packed places with people pushing you around or begging for money.
Nonetheless, I hope you enjoy. Thank you for reading.

India's To Do List:
[x] Taj Mahal
[x] Go to the movie theatre
[ ] Get tanned
[x] Go shopping
[failed to do this and prob failed the final project too] Take lots of pictures of food stalls (for my final project)
[x-ish] Pick up gifts for mon amis.
[x surprisingly]Do my readings.
[ FAILED ] Not get my shoes stolen (or any belonging actually)
[x] Meet relatives
[ x-ish] See a Bollywood celebrity.
[x] See a chaka (added on Jan 11)

[x] Natural Ice Cream
[ ] KFC
[x] McDonalds
[x] Dosa
[ ] Kulfi