Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Jan 16; Chickens in the morning & Hornets in the night

Day 11
I went to the market in the morning and I saw this:
Organic, fresh chicken, straight from the market. Yum? uhhhhhh....
Choose your chicken
Watch your chicken get slaughtered.
I wish this system existed in Canada so people knew where their food was coming from...and what exactly they were eating. And maybe even think twice about what they eat.
Note, I'm not a vegetarian (for health reasons) although I plan to be.. but that's another topic.

In the night, I watched The Green Hornet (in 3D). The theatre totally meets Canadian standards. Unlike theatres in Canada, there are intermissions. At first when the screen went blank and the lights came on half way through the movie, I thought the fire alarm went off or something...cause that's what usually happens at the theatre I used to work at. But no, it's just time for snacks and washroom breaks. but hey, if you don't feel like getting up, one of the employees can get snacks or even a blanket for you. Unfortunately, there is nothing he can do to bring the washroom closer.

Mosquito Bite Count: 5 +5
(bug repellent isn't as effective as it should be...)


  1. D: I would rather not see chickens killed. Either that would put me off eating meat forever, or I would still eat meat and be forced to realize that I am ok with the whole process. D: Either way it sucks.

    LOL. Intermissions! :D That's cause Indian movies are so long :p that they include a point at which intermission is held. We used to have those when there were Tamil cinemas here. But now that they just play the movies at Cineplex they just go right through. :(

  2. haha I can understand with Tamil movies with the average length being 3 hrs long, but i was watching The Green Hornet which was about 1 and a half. soooo annoying =(


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