Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Jan 17; Not even tinted windows can blind one from observing corruption

Day 12

Just a few steps away from my aunt's house is a stall with everything a convenient store has. It's quite convenient. I wish I had one of these outside my house.

On my way to do more shopping, I encountered corruption through my own eyes.
My cousin drives a car with tinted windows and tinted windows are apparently illegal, I know not a smart choice. But anyway, the cop pulls us over and he asks for my cousin's licence. My cousin who doesn't have his licence on him at the moment, talks to the cop to the side. As the cop takes out his notebook/ ticket book, my cousin slips a bill in the notebook. The cop leaves us alone and the we go on our merry way. Oh yes that really did happen. 

While roaming the city, I saw many schools. On the outside walls of one school, students drew pictures that convey some sort of anti-global warming message. 
deep frying food

Naturally, I got hungry while shopping so I had this thing called a paneer frankie - SOOOO GOOOD.  It's paneer and a little bit of veggies wrapped in roti. 
Bottled Water + Dosa + Paneer Frankie = ~$3

Mosquito Bite Count: 10 +1

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