Tuesday, March 13, 2012

044; [20/50 QTWFYM] pushing buttons makes things happen

So I stumbled upon a website with a whole bunch of questions, 50 to be exact, that one can ask them self. I love talking about life and self, although it can be depressing sometimes... Anyway, I scanned through the questions and I thought it would be kind of fun to answer them in this blog. So hope you enjoy my answers, and please feel free to leave YOUR answer in the comments. 

50 Questions That Will Free Your Mind
19. Do you ever push the elevator button more than once? Do you really believe it make the elevator faster?

I've never really had to use an elevator as much as I do now. I've always lived in a house and now that I'm living in Beijing and live on the 6th floor, I have become a frequent rider -- although I end up taking the stairs most of the time for exercise.

But yes, I am guilty of pressing the elevator more than once hoping that it will speed up the process. It probably doesn't, but I guess I feel like I need to do something instead of hopelessly waiting...

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

043; [19/50 QTWFYM] battle of the accents

So I stumbled upon a website with a whole bunch of questions, 50 to be exact, that one can ask them self. I love talking about life and self, although it can be depressing sometimes... Anyway, I scanned through the questions and I thought it would be kind of fun to answer them in this blog. So hope you enjoy my answers, and please feel free to leave YOUR answer in the comments. 

50 Questions That Will Free Your Mind
19. If you had to move to a state or country besides the one you currently live in, where would you move and why?
What an appropriate question for someone who is moving.
If I had to move to a different state (or as Canadians call it "province"), I'd move to British Columbia (Vancouver) because it's the most similar to Ontario (Toronto): city + suburbs, multicultural, good schools.
If I had to move to a different country, I'd pick an English speaking place because getting forced to learn a language intimidates me. I also love diversity. City living or suburbs is a must. I think England (maybe Leeds or London) or Australia (Adelaide - apparently teachers are in demand in this area, Perth, or Canberra) fits well. It's just a matter of which regional accent I like better.

Temper Trap - my favourite aussie band

New blog for my adventures in eastern asia:

Thursday, December 15, 2011

042; [18/50 QTWFYM] floating onwards

18. Are you holding onto something you need to let go of? 

I admit, I collect random things that have good memories attached to them. 
I admit, I can be an overly sentimental person who attaches meaning to things way to easily...bus transfers, wrapping paper, business cards, songs... 
I don't think I need to let go of these things though. 

In terms of dying relationships, I think I just let things float on - not really holding on but at the back of my mind knowing that they're still there. Because I used to "hold on" to people, I learned if they're not holding on to you it gets tiresome and a dying relationship is a result of that. By having these used-to-be-significant people float on, I'm not exactly cutting out the ties completely. In fact, I don't think I'd mind re-establishing ties. So no, I don't think I need to completely let go of these people.

" I've got some friends, some that I hardly know. But we've had some times I wouldn't trade for the world. " 
 - Swing Life Away - Rise Against

041; [17/50 QTWFYM] i want to party at hogwarts.

So I stumbled upon a website with a whole bunch of questions, 50 to be exact, that one can ask them self. I love talking about life and self, although it can be depressing sometimes... Anyway, I scanned through the questions and I thought it would be kind of fun to answer them in this blog. So hope you enjoy my answers, and please feel free to leave YOUR answer in the comments. 

50 Questions That Will Free Your Mind
17. What's one thing have you not done that you really want to do? What is holding you back?
One thing I want to do: party at hogwarts! Realistically, I want to live in Japan
What's holding me back?: That hefty price tag. And also my mission to finish schooling as fast as I can... (I'll soon be living in China for more than half a year so I feel like I'm getting closer!)

On a side note, I'm (re)reading the Harry Potter books again - Prisoner of Azkaban right now.  Here are the first two stories drawn out in a nutshell:
Harry Potter and Philosopher's Stone 
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

Saturday, November 19, 2011

040; Noel Gallagher...AKA what a night!

On November 5th I had the pleasure to attend a special acoustic set at the newly named Virgin Mobile Mod Club, formerly known as the Mod Club, featuring the one and only Noel Gallagher. It was a private, pre show warm up to his performances at Massey Hall later in the week.

Mod Club
Virgin Mobile Mod Club: a mini profile
  • 722 College Street, Little Italy Toronto
  • Fits 600 people (floor, lounge-ish areas, balcony)
  • Concert venue - one of my favourites because it's so small, sound is crisp, and there's no barricade separating you from the stage
  • Night Club - Not familiar with their system but I know there are UK Underground Saturdays

So my expectations weren't extraordinarily high, although I expected something good because well it's Noel Gallagher, the better half of Oasis. The email invited me + guest to attend a 5 song acoustic set on the re-opening night. What did I get?
  • A club full of middle age people - I'm 99% sure my friend and I were the youngest in the crowd
  • drink ticket - thank you virgin mobile!
  • An awesome view of the stage over all the tall men
  • Grown men shouting "I love you Noel" between every song, to which the cool Noel replied" there's a lot of fucking love in this room."
  • An 8 song set. He played:
    • It's Good to be Free
    • Talk Tonight - one of my favourite Oasis songs
    • If I Had a Gun
    • Supersonic
    • Wonderwall - I was not expecting that. Thought he'd be tired of it. 
    • AKA... What a Life
    • Half the World Away
    • Don't Look Back in Anger - soo good.
  • A poster commemorating the night on my way out

I definitely got my email's worth.

Friday, November 4, 2011

039; [16/50 QTWFYM] if you're happy and you know it....

50 Questions That Will Free Your Mind
16. How come things that make you happy don't make everyone happy?

Because not everyone appreciates (free) hugs the way I do. Some people don't like touching.
Because not everyone listens to the music that makes me feel happy. Some people listen to Pit Bull/Ke$ha/Jason-I-say-my-name-for-no-reason-Derulo.
Because not everyone savours the same foods I do. Some people are picky eaters not as open minded as I.
Because not everyone likes the same people I do. Some people haven't met the wonderful people I have or don't like certain types of people.

Happiness is a funny thing. I can't define it, but I know it exists. All I know is that it is different things to different people.

What makes you happy?

This song makes me very happy. 

038; [15/50 QTWFYM] escaping the mainstream, unintentionally

So I stumbled upon a website with a whole bunch of questions, 50 to be exact, that one can ask them self. I love talking about life and self, although it can be depressing sometimes Anyway, I scanned through the questions and I thought it would be kind of fun to answer them in this blog. So hope you enjoy my answers, and please feel free to leave YOUR answer in the comments. 

50 Questions That Will Free Your Mind
15. What's something you know you do differently than other people?

Think. I think differently than other people and other people think differently from me.
It's hard to think of something unique about myself because what I think is unique might not be unique at all.
It's much easier for me to think of something someone else does differently from other people. Instead of thinking about what I do differently from other people, I rather have something I trust point out what I do differently. Example: English teachers have pointed out I pronounce "ask", "water", and "God" differently from other Canadian-English speakers. Hmm... and I thought I spoke with a perfect Canadian-English accent.

*And now that I think about it, I have a bad habit of ending conversations with strangers/acquaintances  abruptly.