Friday, December 24, 2010

005; There is a black swan on chronic in Narnia.

This week, I watched 2 movies: Black Swan and The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader.

Black Swan features the gorgeous Natalie Portman and Mila Kunis, and there's quite a bit of sexual content: some girl on girl action, male and female, and um.. just Nat. Got your attention? Anyways the whole gist of it all is Portman is a student dancer who fights for the role of the Swan Queen in the dance production of Swan Lake. The general idea of the story is that everyone embodies a swan queen, an angel and a demon. It's emotional, thrilling (I jumped at some scenes), and just brilliant. At the most, this is a poignant film and it's highly recommended for any film lover. GO WATCH IT.

The Chronicles of Narnia, on the other hand, is a light hearted fantasy movie. I didn't read the books, but I'm a sucker for fantasy movies. The main characters, once again, get warped into a fantasy land called Narnia where lions talk and kids don't have to go to school. They fight things and go on adventures and all that fun stuff. I couldn't help but draw similarities with this and the Harry Potter series, like the Swords of the Seven Lord (Narnia) and the 7 horcrux (HP). Oh and just a note: HP > Narnia. Despite the kids crying in the background - don't you hate it when people decide to add their own soundtrack? -  I thought it was an entertaining movie and the water scenery was really pretty.

Oh and Black Swan is directed by Darren Aronofsky (Requiem for a Dream, Pi, The Fountain). He's supposedly this incredible director that will go down in history, so if you haven't watched any of his stuff I suggest you do so - starting with Black Swan.

I'll probably watch Little Fockers on xmas day.
Until then Merry Christmas!! =)

Saturday, December 18, 2010

004; shhh. it's a secret show

Yesterday, Alexisonfire had a secret show at Sonic Boom and I could not pass down an opportunity for an intimate show with these guys.

Sonic Boom: A mini-profile
  • Independent Record Store
  • 2 floors; Music on the main floor and even more music in the basement! The stage area is also in the  basement.
  • Great selection of music, current and old & new and used.
  • VINYLS, CDs, T-shirts, books, and some other fun stuff. 
  • Friendly staff (?) - The only actual staff encounter was asking for the ticket so it's not much to base it off of, but he seemed really nice nonetheless.
  • Scott Pilgrim was filmed here!

They started off with songs from the new Dog's Blood EP and ended off with You Burn First and Control in a 30 minutes-ish set.  Control was definitely a bonus. After George announced the show was over, the audience wanted more - but really, who wouldn't want more - and someone wanted to hear Control. So the guys talked about it and we got what we wanted : ) 
The stage was really small so I couldn't see Dallas or Jordan really well but from what I could see with George, Chris, and Wade, it looked like they were having fun. Anyways, I loved the performance. It was so full of energy and George definitely has charisma!

This was the second time I've seen AOF perform. The first time was 3 years and 2 days ago and at that time I didn't notice any tension or whatever, just saw a bunch of talented dudes loving what they were doing.
When I saw them recently, I noticed something different with one member actually. When they first came on stage, the guys were getting geared up and they noticed that they were short a guitar pick. Dallas said he left/saw (can't remember exactly) the picks near the amp. From my perspective (I could be totally off), I thought he seemed a bit frustrated when he said that. As I mentioned before, control was not originally on the set list. When the band was talking it out, Dallas said  how playing one more song was like doing a concert. I couldn't help but feel that he didn't want to be there (again, I can totally be off) doing what he was loving.
I've come to an undecided conclusion that:
a) Dallas was having an off day
b) Dallas is normally like that
c) I'm over analyzing things

Lastly, I got to meet the band afterwards and I'm still pretty happy about that - got my CD and poster signed. I thanked AOF for doing the show individually and Chris, who is actually my personal favourite, was the one I talked with most. He said how the band liked doing shows at small venues like the one we were at. It's comforting to know that the band you love like doing what they're doing, kinda like their heart is where it should belong.

NOTE: I'm not hating on Dallas.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

003; Despicable Me

Just when you think it's all over, something new comes along and takes away this sense of liberty...or maybe liberty was not mine to begin with.

I had a "study session" with a few friends today. It was helpful, as in most of the lingering questions about the chapter were answered, but it was more so relaxing and fun. It's nice to be around friends. It makes things seem less stressful. Hmm, maybe that's why I'm hardly ever stressed.

Speaking of stress, I have so much readings and stuff to do before I head off to India for 3 weeks and it does NOT help that my professor suggest I drop the course. Where are all the supportive professors when I need them the most?

Anyways, I was not as productive as I wanted to be today (oh, despicable me..) but nonetheless I still had fun & on my way to get some food, I saw cute little minions walking around! Being the loser I am, I totally asked for a picture with them. =)  

YAY for exams being over.
BOO for readings that need catching up on.
CHEERS for the drinks and fun that may come my way during this winter break.
Happy Holidays.

Friday, December 10, 2010

002; yes, i'm new here. how could you tell...

So I went out to this place which I've been dying to go to for the longest time.

Sneaky Dee's: A mini profile
  • It's a pub style restaurant with a tex-mex theme
  • First floor is the restaurant, second is the dance floor and stage.
  • Great music taste - heard stuff from Mumford and Sons, 30STM, Metric, The Black Keys (they cut it short, probably cause my fan girl was showing...), RHCP, and Vampire Weekend just to name a few..
  • Great customer service - The waitress was funny, she kept on making jokes about being "new"
  • Attracts a lot of "hipsters" and university students
  • It's got a chill atmosphere (and it's not as sketchy as the sign looks!)

I had my first legal drink there and it was awesome. Along with my drink, I had veggie nachos and they were the best nachos I've ever had --and this is coming from a nacho aficionado. The portion was huge and there was a generous amount of topping. Aside from the food, I got to catch up with some old friends. Overall, it was such a nice experience and I'd definitely go back again.

So thanks to Sneaky Dee's - you guys have got the most amazing nachos -
and thanks to JM(The Expert) and KM - you guys are the most amazing friends ever - for a wonderful evening =] 

Currently listening to: Corona and Lime - Shwayze   ;)

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

001; Introduction

This is my xth attempt to start a blog... or maybe the correct word is restart.
My past blogs have been for school assignments and as much as I wanted to continue with it, I had a lack of motivation. I thought the things happening in my day to day life were mundane and not blog worthy. I continued to read other people's blogs however, and I realize that it's not always what is happening in your life that is exciting, but the way you interpret it - don't get me wrong, the content is really important like pink elephants. Wouldn't that be awesome to blog about....
So to whoever is reading this, I will attempt to make things exciting for you.
I leave you with a picture of absolute cuteness: