Wednesday, December 15, 2010

003; Despicable Me

Just when you think it's all over, something new comes along and takes away this sense of liberty...or maybe liberty was not mine to begin with.

I had a "study session" with a few friends today. It was helpful, as in most of the lingering questions about the chapter were answered, but it was more so relaxing and fun. It's nice to be around friends. It makes things seem less stressful. Hmm, maybe that's why I'm hardly ever stressed.

Speaking of stress, I have so much readings and stuff to do before I head off to India for 3 weeks and it does NOT help that my professor suggest I drop the course. Where are all the supportive professors when I need them the most?

Anyways, I was not as productive as I wanted to be today (oh, despicable me..) but nonetheless I still had fun & on my way to get some food, I saw cute little minions walking around! Being the loser I am, I totally asked for a picture with them. =)  

YAY for exams being over.
BOO for readings that need catching up on.
CHEERS for the drinks and fun that may come my way during this winter break.
Happy Holidays.

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