Tuesday, April 19, 2011

016; No Go Radio = Scre4m and Sushi

"She's Daniel Radcliffe to my J.K. Rowling" Gale Weathers

I bought tickets to see A Rocket To The Moon earlier last month and the only reason I wanted to go to the show was for the opener Go Radio. It turns out that they won't even be there because of transportation issues. Sadness. VERY disappointed. Not disappointed at the members of band, more so the situation. Anyway, I ended up selling the ticket for face value. Yay me for not scalping - cause I totally could have made a few extra bucks because of the sold out show.

After a change of plans, I ended up watching Scream 4 and eating sushi with some friends. I sat in the chairs of the store while waiting for my friend to get off work. When a girl asked me if I was there for the interview, I soon discovered that the people sitting there were waiting for a job interview. I didn't exactly fit in with the fashion-frilly girls with my ripped jeans and worn out Chucks, but maybe that was Hollister was calling me?  Naah, I'm kidding, mere coincidence. But in all honesty, I really wanted to take part in the interview with them 'cause I really need a job : (

I'm not a fan of horror films. I know it's all made up but I still get scared! In fact, one of the trailers (Don't Be Afraid of the Dark) scared my shitless. Thinking about it scares me. Kind of hypocritical that I'm watching Scream, but I'll explain.  Scream is categorically horror, however I've seen the previous ones to know how the story is going to fall. There's no surprise: the killer is always in a Ghost face costume, mysterious phone calls, the weapon of choice is a regular kitchen knife, and stupid people who don't know how to lock doors. Same goes for the Final Destination series where the story line is practically the same and it's the mundane that attacks people in gruesome ways. But ya, Scre4m was an entertaining movie. Ridiculously hilarious at the most inappropriate parts (laughing just thinking about it). Personally I don't like Emma Roberts and I find her so boring. Okay SPOILER ALERT.  She plays a dumb bitch and the master mind of Ghost face to get FAME. Are you freakin' kidding me? I think what Wes Craven was trying to say is that people do stupid things for fame - and he definitely shows that in the movie - as stupid as stupid can get. Also, the 3 survivors survive.

Watch any "scary" movies lately?

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