Monday, April 4, 2011

014; breakdown


I'm a happy-go-lucky kind of person.
I don't get stressed easily.
I don't get mad easily.
I get really hyper when there is something that excites/angers me.
There are things that push my buttons - like using the the word gay as a synonym for shitty.
There are things that get to my heart easily - like unexpected compliments.
I'd say I'm a pretty simple person.

I was in the middle of calculating my marks for second semester and something just hit me. My marks were going down the hill and I was freaking out about it. I usually have good courses and bad courses to even it out, but apparently not this semester. I felt like I was on the verge of a breakdown - but maybe that's an excuse because I haven't had a good cry in long time. People have breakdowns in university, so I was expecting mine to be coming soon. My wonderful friend reminded my that university isn't something to cry about.  University isn't something to whine about either - it's a privilege. But still, I strive to get the highest marks I can. Why though. To satisfy myself? My parents? Is it cause I'm Asian and it's in my genes? Why do marks matter. Okay maybe it's a kind of important to stay in the program, but I feel like an overachiever. I envy the people who can spit out awesomeness without putting much effort and time into it.

Three more days of classes and a whole lot of school after that.
At least I have Go Radio and Scream 4 to look forward to in the upcoming weeks.

I hope you're doing better than I am.


  1. Aww. *hug* Don't worry everything's gonna be alright.

    Your friend is right, university is nothing to cry about. They're just numbers, after all. Congratulate yourself when you do well and just push on when you don't. But a good cry is nice, occasionally. : )

    <3 Good luck on exams, and I'll see you on the other side of this month.

  2. aw thank you =] I am happy to report that I am DONE. Good luck on your exams. I'm looking forward to the end of the month.
    In Fantasy and Horror, I learned that islands are a place to escape/arrive to and they're always full of mystery and estranged beings. I can't wait to hear your stories about living on the islands =D


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