Wednesday, July 13, 2011

028; If I join the dark side, do I get a welcome hug from Voldemort?

I had the pleasure of going to Toronto's Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 Premiere and it was fantastic.

The Invite
It all started with an unexpected phone call Monday morning. The lady on the other end said that my Harry Potter tickets were ready to be picked up. I didn't know what to think at first, so I asked her if I won a contest. And surely (and obviously) I did. That was the end of that.

The Movie
The movie was fucking fantastic. We got Harry Potter shaped 3-D glasses too! David Yates did another extraordinary job in directing. I loved how Neville got more screen time, I always adored him in his chubby clumsy child days. Voldemort showed his affectionate side. The unravelling of all the interconnected stories were executed wonderfully. The death of my favourite professor was so intense. That scene was replaying in my mind after the movie. This is by far the movie of my year.

The Experience
Watching it with other Harry Potter fans made the movie seem so much more wholesome. Not even 20 minutes into the movie, someone behind me was sobbing. Note that nothing sad happened. When something sad did happen, you could hear the theatre sniffling and sobbing. I am guilty of that too. It was a movie with so much emotion. Laughing and crying, cheering and secretly despising, awwing and more crying. I don't think this movie was made to be a tearjerker but over the past 10 years, I cannot help but feel attached to these characters. I was looking forward to this and now that it had ended, I feel empty-ish.  It's terribly depressing to see them off.

And my friend and I tried to crash  get in the after party, but there was no success. I just took pictures of the outside instead.




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