Saturday, July 23, 2011

030; [9/50 QTWFYM] what did you eat for breakfast?

So I stumbled upon a website with a whole bunch of questions, 50 to be exact, that one can ask them self. I love talking about life and self, although it can be depressing sometimes Anyway, I scanned through the questions and I thought it would be kind of fun to answer them in this blog. So hope you enjoy my answers, and please feel free to leave YOUR answer in the comments. 

50 Questions That Will Free Your Mind 
To what degree have you actually controlled the course your life has taken?
As a rough estimate, I'd say I've controlled about 90% of my life:
I chose what I ate for breakfast, I chose if I wanted to eat breakfast.
I chose which high school I wanted to go to, I choose what university I wanted to go to.
I chose what social networking sites I used, I chose who I wanted to tell about my profile. 
I didn't have to listen to my parents when they said I should be home by 12.
I didn't have to tell someone I disliked their guts. 
I didn't have to read the stupid text book.
As much as I was against things that made me unhappy, I chose to act the way I did for a reason. 

You control more of your life than you realize. There's always an opportunity to do something different, but we're oblivious to these opportunities or just too scared to take the leap. I've done some things that I don't agree with now, but in the end that's okay. It's okay because I have wonderful people in my life who say it's okay (not necessarily literally saying it's okay, but supporting me/continuously caring for me/ not hating me/forgiving me for the things I've done wrong).
"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind." 
- Dr. Suess

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