Sunday, February 27, 2011

Jan 13; Hello Agra

Day 8
It was a loong night with hours and hours of waiting for something.
I woke up in the middle of the night to transfer trains which at first didn't bother me.
The thing is, when I was about to board on the transfer train, the fckng conductor said there was no space to board on - total bullshit (racist pigs). The train system fails in organization on sooo many levels. Anyway, skipping over the miserable parts:
taps in the train station
chai man
 Chai or tea is very popular in India, especially in the northern parts where the weather can get quite cold. The chai man hangs around areas with lots of passer-bys, like the station, and sells tea to people. He carries his canister full of chai and he has a stack of cups and yells "CHAI"

Destination reached:  Agra
stalls in the station

Place # 1: Fatehphur Sikri

Tradition: make an oath and tie a string through one of the openings. when you accomplish the oath, then you must come back and untie any string (like freedom). For example, I'm going to become a teacher and when that comes true, I must go back and untie a string. I didn't actually get to tie a string around it because I didn't have any string...
stairs of death - steps were hella thick

Place # 2: Taj Mahal
Absolutely gorgeous place. The whole structure, the love story, the detailed etchings - just beautiful. It definitely met my expectations, and perhaps even exceeded it.
rickshaw man
here it finally is. the taj mahal.
 As you may notice.....a lot of my pictures are not perfect. There's a scratch on the lens of my camera and India is just a really crowded place. I wish people were not so noticeable in the frame, but what can ya do..
the tombs
yamuna river
You're not allowed taking food inside the area of the Taj Mahal. There is an option of leaving your stuff with the guards so that's what I did - but really, what other choice did I have? When I went to pick up my candy and gum, I found my brand new pack of gum half eaten and only a half a bag of candy left. THIEVES.
At last my shoes did not get stolen. 

Place # 3: Agra Fort
At this point of the day, I was pretty pissed/annoyed with the people stuffing shit in my face trying to get me to buy their shit. This happens in many places, especially tourist attractions. These guys just swarm around you with the merchandise and try to get you to buy whatever they are selling. I said no to the other guys, do you really think that I'll change my mind? Soooo terribly annoying.
i can see the taj mahal from here and it's beautiful even from afar
 There were a lot of school kids around because of Republic Day.
i still went in
As I was taking a picture of this door, two students approached my mom and I and they just start talking to us. They asked where we were from and stuff like that. I thought it was nice of them to talk to us, rather than stare at us like we were of different species. As we were leaving the Agra Fort, we happened to run into the two girls again and they wished us off saying, "bye auntie." aw, so sweet! although I kinda felt old...
so cutee!
dogs are everywhere !
ahh my favourite!
In India, cows can own the road. 
At the end of the day, I come back where I started from: the train station.
these parachute pants were pretty popular among foreigners 
I am happy to say that I still have my shoes after visiting three places where you have to remove them. Success.

India's To Do List:
  • Taj Mahal 
  • Pick up gifts for mon amis 
  • Not get my shoes stolen 


  1. So beautiful~

    Did you spend the whole day at Taj Mahal? Does it take that long to see it?

    I think I'll definitely visit Fathehpur Sikri too. :D

  2. No, just the morning. there's so much to see and time was limited. It'll probably take 2 hours max to go through the whole grounds

  3. Your pictures bring back good memories, although it looks like you got to explore the place more than I did. Nice monkey pictures and of the Fort and the Taj and it's good to know that the green birdies are still posing for tourists! Thanks for the captions. Now I know what that dang river is.


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