Sunday, February 6, 2011

Jan 4-5; Arrivals and Departures

Flight 1: Canada to Germany
I haven’t been on a plane since I was 3, so I was super excited about the plane ride. I could tell you that the excitement wore off pretty fast. Now I understand when people say plane food sucks and ear popping hurts. I realized that I need to board 6 planes throughout my entire trip. Ouch.
Sitting behind me were some young Germans boys who sang. I was wrong to assume this be a music depriving trip. The boys sang different tunes including Duck Sauce’s Barbra Streisand , which I thought was pretty entertaining.

Stopover: Frankfurt
Got some food from McDonald’s, which I’m really not a fan of, but I was strangely mildly attracted to it. Maybe because it was foreign.

Strange Job Sighting: As I was putting my tray away there was an employee standing in this little garbage corner, taking peoples trays, cleaning the trays and putting it away. That's ALL he did. What kind of job is that ?!? (a really easy one)

Food and Drinks: Nestea Iced Tea tastes different. It actually tastes like iced tea.
Fact: Beer is cheaper than water. Oh you Germans : )

Flight 2: Germany to India
I met some interesting people on my way, a Canadian fellow going to an ashram and a Belgium man on a business trip to discuss soya products.

Destination: Mumbai
There’s so much security guards strutting their stuff: camo attire, sergant hats, geared with riffles. I wanted to take a picture but I was scared they might shoot me or something.

Let the culture shock begin! (with honking vehicles)

Mosquito Bite Count: Zilch

1 comment:

  1. D: You should have asked for curry sauce at McDonald's in Frankfurt. SO. AWESOME. XDDD


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